2 min readMar 22, 2024

Navigating Hiring: The Role of Portfolios

In the demanding realm of executive hiring, where assessments and interviews are thorough, a well-crafted portfolio can make all the difference. According to Fortune, behavioral assessments and interviews are increasingly common, reflecting the need for a deeper understanding of candidates beyond traditional resumes.

Elevating Evaluation: The Rigor of Executive Assessments

For CEOs and other top-tier roles, the evaluation process often includes cognitive tests, psychometric assessments, and simulations. These rigorous evaluations aim to gauge candidates’ suitability for the demanding corner office environment.

Untapped Potential: The Underutilization of Portfolios

Yet, portfolios remain an underutilized asset in job applications. In competitive fields like management, especially within non-profit sectors, portfolios offer a unique opportunity to showcase skills and experiences comprehensively. As someone who has navigated executive positions, I’ve consistently relied on portfolios to convey my potential, whether for search committees or consulting opportunities.

Illuminating Skill Sets: The Impact on Boards and Recruiters

For boards seeking nuanced skill sets not apparent on resumes, a well-curated portfolio can be illuminating. Similarly, for recruiters sifting through countless resumes, a compelling portfolio offers deeper insights into a candidate’s capabilities and trajectory. It’s not just about skill demonstration; it’s about presenting a holistic narrative of growth and advancement.

Embracing the Portfolio: A Path to Success

In closing, the value of a portfolio cannot be overstated. It’s a dynamic tool that speaks volumes about your professional journey. By investing in a portfolio that reflects your personal and professional brand, you not only set yourself apart but also pave the way for success in achieving your career aspirations. So, embrace the power of the portfolio and let it propel you towards your dreams.


National award-winning executive leader, public speaker, human rights advocate, and psychotherapist moonlighting as a #DogMom, beauty queen, creative, & speaker